WILDMAGNET® 30 g aluminum tube natural universal attractant without a metal tube key. From two tubes ordered, one metal tube key per tube ordered free of charge! If you only order one tube per order, you can order a tube key for just €1.00 extra.
An excellent lure for many wild animal species, applicable all year round. With you everywhere, thanks to the practical tube. Always clean and easy to dose. The unique long-lasting fragrance works underwater and on land. Attractive natural fragrance substances lure on many occasions and thus increase the chances of success.
Each box comes with detailed instructions on how to use it correctly!
Product features:Application range -24°C to +45°C; usable for about a year; do not refrigerate or store specially; adheres to many substrates. The duration of the effect depends on the humidity. Product is rainproof and dissolves very slowly in water. Depending on the application, there are up to 60 fishing bait (0.5g each) in one tube; or 30 curls (á 1.0g); or 20 trap bait; or 20 feedings per 5 kg of corn (1.5 g each), i.e. a total of 100 kg. Do not dilute the concentrated agent except for wet churn. No feed! No food! Keep away from children and pets and only use as intended! On a natural plant and animal protein basis, therefore environmentally neutral. Please observe the applicable species protection, animal protection, hunting and fishing laws of the respective country, as well as all accident prevention regulations,
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